<!DESCRIPTION> Add an elegant, visible-from-the-start static menu to your site with this script! Both the menu's dimensions and its static location on the page can be easily configured, making it a piece of cake to integrate the menu to conform to your site's layout. Definitely one of the better DHTML menu systems out there.
<!CATEGORY>drop down menus<!/CATEGORY>
<!-- Step 1: Insert the following stylesheet into the <head> section of your page: -->
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
.menuh {
cursor : hand ;
Border-Left : #FFFF99 ;
Border-Top : #FFFF99 ;
Padding-Left : 1px ;
Padding-Top : 1px ;
Background-Color : #FFFF99 ;
.menu {
Background-Color : white ;
.home {
cursor : hand ;
<!-- Step 2: Insert the following into the <body> section of your page, outside any other tags: -->
<SCRIPT Language="Javascript1.2">
Static menu script (By maXimus, maximus@nsimail.com, http://maximus.ravecore.com/)
Modified slightly/ permission granted to Dynamic Drive to feature script in archive
For full source, usage terms, and 100's more DHTML scripts, visit http://dynamicdrive.com
//configure below variable for menu width, position on page
var menuwidth=110
var offsetleft=10
var offsettop=90
var ns4=document.layers?1:0
var ie4=document.all?1:0
var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all?1:0
function makeStatic() {
if (ie4) {object1.style.pixelTop=document.body.scrollTop+offsettop}
else if (ns6) {document.getElementById("object1").style.top=window.pageYOffset+offsettop}
else if (ns4) {eval(document.object1.top=eval(window.pageYOffset+offsettop));}